When I was nine.
The women of my country screamed for freedom, for women's rights, the right to wear what they want, the right to divorce, the right to have their kid's custody, ..... and the right to be a woman as they desire.
Away from my ancestors' land, I have to do something, I have to accompany the brave women of my country, I should claim freedom.
I'm tearing apart the first Chador given to me when I was nine, I have been told to cover myself in public since then, against my will.
I'm tearing apart every stitch, one by one, then realize there is no time, I need to breathe, I need to get rid of childhood memories when I turned nine.
Then I'll turn the remaining fabric into a canvas to paint freedom.
Qamar is singing...
(Qamar, the queen of Persian music, the first Iranian woman who sang in public without a veil.)
Away from my ancestors' land, I have to do something, I have to accompany the brave women of my country, I should claim freedom.
I'm tearing apart the first Chador given to me when I was nine, I have been told to cover myself in public since then, against my will.
I'm tearing apart every stitch, one by one, then realize there is no time, I need to breathe, I need to get rid of childhood memories when I turned nine.
Then I'll turn the remaining fabric into a canvas to paint freedom.
Qamar is singing...
(Qamar, the queen of Persian music, the first Iranian woman who sang in public without a veil.)

( "We" in Farsi, also the initial of "Mahsa Amini")
Acrylic on unprimed fabric
On September sixteenth, 2022, a young girl was arrested by morality police because she was not wearing her hijab appropriately. She passed away three days later in the hospital due to a severe head injury. The news started chain protests all over Iran, and the Islamic Republic started to suppress the protesters violently and shut down the internet to prevent leaking the news. Outside Iran joined their compatriots to be their voice by sharing the news on social media to attract global attention. Also, by setting several rallies, the largest one, "the time has come," took place on October first, 2022, in cities worldwide.
To attend this rally commemorating the memory of brave women killed, arrested and sentenced to a long time in prison, the face of some painted on Chador and worn at the rally.
To attend this rally commemorating the memory of brave women killed, arrested and sentenced to a long time in prison, the face of some painted on Chador and worn at the rally.

Damavand in November
Pastel paint and Ink on Canvas, 53" by 43"
On November 15, 2019, a series of protests started in Iran. Although the rally began as a peaceful gathering, the regime violently suppressed the demonstration and disrupted Internet access.
The mountain in the background is the tallest mountain in Iran (Damavand), symbolizing resistance against despotism in Persian mythology.
On November 15, 2019, a series of protests started in Iran. Although the rally began as a peaceful gathering, the regime violently suppressed the demonstration and disrupted Internet access.
The mountain in the background is the tallest mountain in Iran (Damavand), symbolizing resistance against despotism in Persian mythology.

We’re All Together
Pastel paint and Ink on Canvas, 59" by 53"
Islamic republic violently suppresses any protest or demonstration in Iran.

The Mothers # 1
Acrylic on Fabric, 3.5x 1.5m
Chador is the official form of hijab in Iran; for Iranian children, it is a symbol of comfort and shelter. The mothers of regime victims came together and asked for justice; these paintings honor the brave women who became optical activists overnight.

The Mothers# 2
Acrylic on Paper, 150x 200 cm